Monday, August 25, 2008


Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches,
letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.
~Pauline R. Kezer

Simple joy dances here in the shadows of the evening. It kisses the blooms of the moss rose as they close their sleepy eyes, folding their paper thin petals. It whispers a word to the lilies that reach for the last of the glow from the sun. It rustles the leaves of the ancient old Oak tree, playing a tune seldom heard in the business of life. It sings a song of endings.....and beginnings....a song of roots...and branches...and change. And all change...requires that we leave a piece of us behind as we move on. So, tonight....with the whisper of fall in the air and change on the horizon....I sit a little longer, swing a little harder, sip another cup of tea, smile at the memories I've made.....and hope the branch I'm headed out on will hold the weight life is throwing at me!


Lady Di Tn said...

Thanks, I needed that. Somedays I get overwhelmed and feel the branch I occupy giving way. Knowing you are out there whispering words of hope give me strength. Once again Thanks.
Peace be with you.

Changes in the wind said...

Changes.....hard to live with them but can't live without them, life would become boring but need to remember to relish where we are (thanks for always doing that. Love the old milk can:)

Changes in the wind said...

Haven't heard from you in a while...hope all is okay.......