Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring rain

Spring rain, originally uploaded by pattybilline.

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author Unknown

Outside my back door, simple joy dances in the rain. In shades of pink and green it blooms in brilliant colors...kissed by the sun and watered by the many rains of April. Here in the midwest, seasons come and go, marked by changes I've come to take for granted. Changes like the dancing lady blooms of a bleeding heart in spring and the day lillies of summer and the mums of fall. On this rainy Sunday afternoon, filled with a good book and a long nap, I wandered out the back door to see if the dreary clouds still hung there...and though the rain continued...I stood for awhile and watched the blooms of my bleeding heart dance in the rain. There I found a simple...but gentle reminder that without rainy days in my life, there'd be no seasons. In those dancing blooms, I found an invitation to grab the camera, lift my face to the rain and go see just what this afternoon had to offer. Standing there in the rain, I turned my face to skies and let it soak me good...and was reminded of a message I'd heard years ago... about life being much like the weather...full of good days and full of bad days..and the best we could hope for was to grab an umbrella and live it! Here's wishing you a rainy day to dance in the rain...and some neighbors who won't think you're nuts for trying!


Joanne said...

Beautiful photograph and thoughts.

Changes in the wind said...

Getting worried about you..hope all is well.