Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow. ~Douglas Pagels
Today, I found joy in a few simple words from my best friend...a gentle reminder that sometimes we get so busy making a living, that we forget what it is to live. In this crazy 14 baby a day world, my twelve hour shifts have drifted to fifteen or sixteen hours....our on call shifts have become regular work shifts..and I've filled my free time with what football and baseball and dance events for grandchildren that I can squeeze in. And on this cool, sunny Saturday evening, driving home from yet another long, busy baby filled workday...I looked around and discovered what I almost missed....joy in the colors of spring. So tonight...with camera in hand, I took the time to wander around this yard...and capture for you what almost passed by me while I raced through the days of my life. So tonight, I'm filling the tub with bubbles, lighting a candle and giving wings to the stress in this crazy life...letting it fly away. There's nothing in this world that a long soak in a hot bath can't cure! And tonight, I'm reminding myself that there's much more to life than racing through it. Tonight, I'm remembering how beautiful it is to take a break from the world and do nothing...and do it well. Tonight, I'm remembering how short life is...and how it's the simple joys in life that are the greatest reward. (Thanks to those who missed me... and enjoy the sights of spring in Nebraska that I posted on Flickr!)
I am so glad you can capture these times and heavens know you need them:)
Wow! The photo is magnificent! I really have to get outside!
Missing you:(
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