Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.
Izaak Walton
When winter seems long and joy seems hidden, there's still an abundance to make me smile! What lessons in joy there were in the sounds of this little parade I stopped to watch on a dreary winter morning....they honked and they squawked and they ambled and they marched...and nothing made them hurry across the roadway they blocked. In the prescence of good company, winter was the last thing on their minds! Though my list for the day was lay discarded on the seat beside me as I dialed my phone and made unexpected plans for a lunch date with my best friend! We lingered over that unplanned journey together, enjoyed some great company and some awesome food....and laughed at my pictures....all courtesy of a little goose parade that reminded me to slow down and enjoy the little moments of my life!
I like your sunny outlook on the everyday things and the neat shot of the goose parade. It brightened my day.
Oh, I love how their grace had the power to change your day...and how you let it change your day.
What a gorgeous photo! It almost looks like a P. Buckley Moss painting. (Or perhaps, rather, her paintings were inspired by this.)
Sounds like it is not so bad to be lead astray by a little goose. Glad you enjoyed the day. Peace
Well, as you can see, I'm still lingering on the beauty and wisdom in your geese post. (I hope you don't mind that I've had this photo as my desktop wallpaper for several weeks....)
This morning while reading Thomas A Kempis, I came across these lines that reminded me again of this:
"Love alone lightens every burden, and makes the rough places smooth. It bears every hardship as though it were nothing, and renders all bitterness sweet and acceptable."
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