The details make life holy.
If you want a little happiness in life don’t forget to look at the little things.
Noah Ben Shea
This is the summer I've learned more than I wanted to know about patience and perseverance. This is the summer I've learned that happiness really is found in the little details in life.... little details like heliotrope blooms and the sad, soulful song of doves....the smell of fresh lavender crumbled between your finger tips, and the sound of rain coming across the bean field. Jenny wren music and baby robins that almost come to eat from your hand...the rise and the fall of fields of daisies, followed by brilliant Indian blankets and now cheerful daylillies. This is the summer I've been forced to take the time to notice them. It's not always been easy. It's certainly not often been fun. But the lessons I'm learning are important ones.....lessons I should have taken the time to learn years ago. Time does heal all wounds....and taking the time to let that happen requires learning to be let go of the what ifs, the shoulds and the coulds. Being patient is starting each morning with a fresh cup of coffee, a reformatted memory stick, a multitude of quad-sets and leg lifts and heel-toe stepping....and a smile. Being patient is swallowing my pride and accepting help...and rides...and lunches..and phone calls from a family with deep, wide hearts and warm hugs. Being patient is one more lap around the short two acres of land with the security of a walker, camera strap around my neck and cell phone in my pocket in case of falls! Being patient is walking around my little Honda...opening and closing the door, longing for the day when I can climb behind the wheel and take off on my own for a drive. This is the summer I've learned that being patient helps me climb the tallest baby step at a time. This is the summer I've learned that perseverance is getting up the next morning...and doing it all over again! Here's to filling your summer days with patience...and perseverance...and mountains of tiny details!
Patience is something we all want and none of us want to is the most challenging virtue of them all. best wishes and please keep posting....
Keep up the good work and we all get lessons in P&P daily and if we are smart we take notice. To go forth you must be dedicated to push forward even in the same path until you can fly again behind the wheel again. Peace be with you.
“It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” - Laura Ingalls Wilder
Love your photos and a great post. Thanks for sharing.
I suggest this site to my friends so it could be useful & informative for them also. Great effort.
France flower
What wonderful writing!
I know I face a knee replacement in the not so distant future and reading your words is inspiring even though my thoughts are more along the lines of can I do it.
Thanks for the inspiration. :)
Hi!You words really inspire me! Your beautiful photographs are the reflexion of the way you live, the way life has to be.
Sorry for my english, im not from the U.S, but i didnt want to check this blog without posting a comment.
God bless you. Bye
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