Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder. This was a summer of looking hard to find the beauty in each day. A summer for struggling to walk around this little two acres we live on...accompanied by a sturdy metal walker with a wicker basket Velcro"d in place. A summer for stopping to smell the roses....and make wishes on the wisps of dandelion petals that soon were spread in the wind. This was a summer for settling in....taking stock....looking around...and learning to appreciate the little things in life that bring me simple joy. A summer for learning the value in patience and persistence. A summer for learning just how to discover the beauty that hides there, even on the darkest days. This was my dandelion summer....long, hot days filled with yellow blooms that gave way to even hotter days filled with wispy petals just begging for little girls to pick them and scatter them to the winds. A summer filled with hard work, uphill battles, giggles, home cooking, good books and grandchildren. It would have been easy to quit......to give in....to give up. Instead, with the help of my family and friends....I searched for...and found the beauty in this long, hard journey. I found simple joy...and beauty...where I least expected it to live....right in my own backyard!
Ah, your dandelion summer has made you strong for winter winds. Peace
Beautiful dandelion will sown their seed.It is so beautiful photo.
That is a beautiful photograph, most people never see the beauty of a dandelion....very nice.
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