Friday, October 19, 2007

Saturday joy...

You only have shadows when your life's filled with sun
Simple joy on a Saturday morning. Joy in the color of happiness, pink! Pink in a persistent little rose that refuses to give up...dancing with it's shadow on the wall of our home. Joy in the taste of tradition in a made from scratch pancake....mixed and cooked from a recipe passed from home to home ( and topped with the most delicious high calorie hot syrup!) Joy in the silence of the sunrise soon broken by the sounds of the trees ...stretching... limbs creaking... yawning in the morning breeze that woke them as the sun came up. Joy in the first sip of fresh ground coffee, brewed strong, tempered with milk and served in well used mugs too hot to hold. And joy in the easy laughter between father and daughter......husband and wife.....friend and the story of the day began to unfold. Simple joy in the shadows of a life blessed with sunshine!

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