Monday, February 04, 2008

A hazy shade of winter.....

Seasons change with the scenery
Weaving time in a tapestry...

Simon & Garfunkel
On a very ordinary day......a day of sleeping and dreaming and waking....a day of working and remembering and the end of the most humdrum of days....I found a simple joy that spoke to me. A joy that spoke in blues and pinks and purples....a twilight that left me shivering and speechless... and in awe! In the stillness on this hazy winter the calm before the poetry of yet another snow....I was reminded of the joy to be found in the ordinary moments weaved in the tapestry of life.


Changes in the wind said...

Makes one feel small.........

Lady Di Tn said...

Love the colors of the photo and the words are a very snug fit. Peace