butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life.
and everyone deserves a little sunshine.
Jeffrey Glassberg
There's a winding brick path in Joe's garden, lined with sunshine. And on this perfect Saturday afternoon, it's also filled with butterflies. Monarchs and painted ladies and swallow tails and tiny little lacy whites, they float from flower to flower...wings whispering in the wind...dancing from bloom to bloom to a rhythm heard only by them. This man fills my life with so many simple joys...but none of them greater than his garden.... my own sunny side of life....planted in the dark, weeded by hand....day after day....watered so faithfully...and filled with blooms and butterflies, for no other reason than he loves me....(and he knows I love to take yet another picture!) Everyone does deserve a little sunshine in their lives....and mine lies down the brick path in Joe's garden. I am truly blessed.
Nothing as beautiful as a garden!!
Thanks for visiting.
Yep, I have been a nurse for 20 years. I do homecare: I take care of a little girl in her home at night.
Beautiful indeed and thank you for sharing it with us.
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