The longer I live
the more my mind dwells
upon the beauty
and wonder of the world…
John Burroughs
It's in the ordinary moments of the day that simple joys find me. Those ordinary moments of life I often take for granted. Those moments when I stand barefoot in the garden, toes dancing through rich black earth and tickled by zinnia leaves! Moments spent humming along to a Kenny Chesney -Dave Mathews song ("I'm Alive" ) while I water the thirsty petunias and asparagus ferns that wave from the hanging baskets! Moments spent watching the flowers in pinks and oranges and yellows and purples that sway to the rhythm of the summer breeze! Moments filled with chasing elusive butterflies in the back yard and feeling the joy that bubbles out as laughter when I"m lucky enough to snap a picture of one! Ordinary moments when I listen to the chatter of feuding robins as they splash in the bird bath! Early morning moments enjoying the smell of fresh ground coffee beans and the smooth taste of that first cup! And that ordinary moment when peace settles around me as I walk up the steps of home, so happy to be there at the end of another long work day! Moments in the shadows of evening, when I can feel the strength in those arms that reach out to hold me.....and the love I hear in the words "I'm glad you're home"! Ordinary moments indeed, that fill this extraordinary life I live!
That my dear was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. PEACE
i love your blogs they are the best!
I love the picture!
A fantastic picture and post!
While browsing I found your blog and looked at your superb pictures. I think I’ll come back many times in the future to see more of your pictures and interesting posts.
This photo and the other butterfly photo just below are amazingly crisp! What gorgeous creatures...delicate yet so strong as to fly for miles and miles. I call them flutterflies. They remind me of the Holy Spirit with their elusive beauty.
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