I think we are drawn to dogs because they are the uninhibited creatures
we might be if we weren't certain we knew better.
George Bird Evans
Simple joy rolled in the snow in our backyard today....and jumped over snow piles...and licked soft white snowflakes as they hit his tongue! Joy raced down the driveway, slid to a stop...then turned on a dime and raced back....barking and jumping and drooling...and happy. We spent the better part of an hour there....both of us wrapped in our warm winter coats, with a huge happy grins on our faces.......watching joy chase the snowflakes as they fell from the sky, wishing just a little that the world wouldn't think we were crazy if we tried to do the same!
Beautiful picture! Hurray for Joy! :)
You captured a wonderful moment with this picture...thanks for sharing.
Sounds like my kind of afternoon. Playing in the snow with your puddy dog. Peace
You know...your pictures are so beautiful you might want to consider putting your name on them so they can't be stolen...just a thought.
Do you read Elizabeth Goudge? She actually named her autobiography The Joy of the Snow because of a dog's snow antics. You so remind me of her story:
"It was not myself as a child but the daughter of a friend of mine who gave me the title for this book. Her mother, accompanied by the dog Coach, had ploughed her way through a deep fall of snow to fetch her youngest home from nursery school. The hard going had been a weariness, the cold a misery to the flesh. Ploughing back again, her youngest attached, a small voice sang out beside her, "Look, Mummy! Look at Coach and the joy of the snow!" Coach was leaping and rolling in the snow, his eyes like stars, his tail a banner. The little girl's eyes were as bright as his, her face pink inside her hood. She glowed like a flame. Coach glowed. The mother for a few moments looked at the snow through their eyes and the "earth had not smutched it." (Elizabeth Goudge, The Joy of the Snow, including Ben Jonson quote "Have you seen but the fall of the snow before the earth hath smutched it?")
Adorable! Can picture the snow romp from here...
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