We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
Thornton Wilder
Sometimes, it takes the joy to be found in life's simple pleasures to remind you how lucky you really are. The last month has blown by in a blur....a blur of ace wraps, walkers, physical therapy visits and pain pills. And like most of life's challenges, it's easy to take your eyes off the prize.....easy to forget to celebrate the little victories to be found in each and every day. On this glorious day in early June, I was challenged to get out and get on...so with my camera safely tucked in the make shift basket on my walker, I marched out of my fog of self pity...and into the sunshine in my own backyard! And what beauty I found waiting! Poppies have long been my favorite....they're a fleeting beauty in the windy plains of the Midwest, their delicate oranges petals glowing in the late spring sun, soon to be scattered across the yard from the hot southern winds...but what fierce beauty they bring to the day....even if it's only for a short week in late May and early June. Simple joys indeed...a much needed reminder of what waits patiently for me at the top of the hill I'm climbing! (and with this brand new knee, the downhill trip should be a breeze!)
Hi there, so glad to see a new post from you and another beauty to boot.....a new knee? No wonder it has been quiet your way...take good care and heal quick.
I haven't visited for awhile but how lovely to find poppies in all their phases of blooming!
Best wishes on getting that knee up and going!
beautiful flowers only reflecting your beautiful self, as they come through your words of describing all..I love poppies also, when I was a child in Istanbul, before it got so crowded and busy as it is today, I used to come across to them in the hills, I used to love to take the rounded flowers before they opened and pop them, they grew wild all over the greens..truly enjoyed your refreshing blog..thank you.
such beautiful poppies! they are my favorite flower of all time, but I have never yet been able to grow them. I shall just enjoy your photos. :)
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