Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hope springs up!

After days of searching for signs, after gray days of sleet, snow, frosty breath, fingers and toes.....today I found a little hope springing up! Hope that the seeds of a new season really do live beneath the piles of dirty snow and under the lake front that our driveway has become. Hope in a few tiny green leaves peaking out between the wood mulch chips..and hope in the sight of a fat squirrel perched on the bird feeder, furiously gorging himself on bird seed before the next winter storm comes heading our way. Hope in the warmth of the sun on my face and in the sounds of the birds that are returning. So, armed with the sight and sounds of these few simple joys, I'll keep on taking my Omega 3's, finish The Sunday List of Dreams (a great book I"m almost through) ride a few more minutes on the exercise bike, make a low calorie, but delicious lemon pie, shake myself out of hibernation mode, and tomorrow, drive in for early morning bagels with my best friend.....and for another day, beat back the winter blues that descend upon us so easily in the month of February!

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