Monday, February 26, 2007

While waiting for spring....

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
John Lennon
Today, I was so busy waiting for spring, that I almost missed these simple joys on this winters day! I found joy in the sparkle of the sun on the snow. In tree limbs wearing winter coats of snow and hanging low with the weight of it. In trails of footprints from the regulars in our yard, evidence in the fresh fallen snow that our yard continues to be a haven for the neighborhood creatures. In birds, gathered at low hanging bird feeders and clustered in the fields, searching for grain to fill their bellies, singing to anyone who would listen. In the sounds of the wind, rustling the stalks of pompous grass, as they stand tall, reaching for the warmth of the sun on this February day. It's so easy to overlook the beauty of winter, in my yearning for spring. It took an old Beatles song on the radio to open my eyes today and enjoy this moment in my life.

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