Wednesday, July 02, 2008


People, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty -
they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.
Martin Buxbaum

At the end of a particularly touching birth, I watched as a first time Grandmother trembled as she held her newborn grandson.....weathered, wrinkled hand holding chubby pink fingers....and wished for my camera! A very simple joy I'm allowed to participate in, day after day...and the thrill remains! A simple joy that now, after 35 years....still brings a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. A simple joy that reminds matter how old I get.....that the beauty of life is often best found in the heart....and not on the face of life. In the fall of my life, I find myself wishing I'd thanked my mentors that walked these slow steps before me.....respected them a little more....appreciated their knowledge and patience...and sometimes pain that it took to make their walk through my life each day. Though my steps are slower, my hair is body is rounder....I wear my wrinkles proudly.....medals of courage through my walk on the journey of life. Like this vintage old pot that now sits in my garden, I can remember back to when life was path, like the path of Grandmas teapot....has changed, and me with it. Like my handed down teapot, I've become etched with experience .....but remain determined to stand come back day after wear my age proudly ....remembering that the best tunes in life are often played on an old guitar!


Lady Di Tn said...

You amaze me how you take one picture and then choose the perfect words. I am not a Grandma but sure feel like an ole pot today. Peace

Changes in the wind said...

Love the picture and like lady di tn.......... the words are perfect.

Anonymous said...

As usual, the words are perfect. They so fit how we feel.

Lady Di Tn said...

Got my copy of Ruth's words next to my computer. Thanks for sharing. Peace